What Is CRM Integration? (And Why Is It Important?)

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Today’s businesses are more complex than ever, with customers and partners interacting across various channels.

To keep up with these changes, it’s more important than ever to have a CRM system that can integrate with all of your other business applications.

Without proper integration, you’ll miss out on crucial data and insights that could help you improve your bottom line. In this blog, we’ll look at some of the most popular CRM integrations and what they can offer your business.

What is CRM Integration

Source : nethunt.com

Table of Contents

What is CRM Integration?

CRM integrations are a great way to help your company be more organized and effective by connecting all of their different tools in one place.

Integration with a CRM system can be instrumental in improving the productivity and efficiency of your business.

It will allow you to bring all data together, making it easier for employees who are responsible for various parts or tasks within their company’s operations such as customer service representatives handling sales inquiries; marketing teams creating promotional material like ads on social media sites like Facebook, etc.; human resources professionals interacting directly with workers’ compensation claimants–to do so more efficiently than ever before.

CRM integration improves an organization’s customer experience because it can serve as the central hub for all information about customers.

From their first point of contact to any recent transactions, this software will keep track and provide a smooth flow so that each person in charge is always up-to-date with what needs to be done now or has already been taken care of.

CRM integration is all around us, from banking to e-commerce. For instance, in the case of CRMs being integrated into your bank account, you’ll receive real-time notifications when there are updates or transactions on credit cards and checking accounts so that everything runs smoothly between yourself and customer service teams able to provide assistance where needed.

With CRM integration in healthcare, data from the system is always available when it is needed to support important decisions about patient care or billing services.

IT departments are also using it for tracking bugs and feedback on product improvement with customers, streamlining the whole process of software updates–making them less stressful.

CRM software can help businesses optimize efficiency and performance through streamlined processes based on quality, accurate data.

When integrated with other tools like sales enablement systems or marketing automation platforms, the CRMs will automatically connect to them, so business owners can manage their entire customer life cycle from prospecting all ways up until post-purchase support needs; without any extra work.

CRM Integration

Source : thefutureofcommerce.com

Key CRM Integration:

Check out this handy list of integrations to connect your CRM with other business processes:

1.Calendar Integration:

CRM calendars allow users to plan their customer engagement strategies more effectively and make better-informed decisions about events, appointments, or anything else they need for the upcoming week.

The CRM integration with the calendar makes it easy to manage client engagements and plan and organize your day-to-day activities.

This is an excellent solution for sales managers, marketing professionals, or anyone who needs to manage their schedule quickly. With CRM integration, employees can plan their day-to-day activities efficiently without switching between multiple platforms.

2.Email Integration:

The inboxes of salespeople are often overflowing with important messages. Whether you’re sending out cold pitches or answering prospect questions, email is an essential tool for any salesman to reach their potential customers on time and efficiently!

Log all of your emails in one place with the ability to access productivity tools like templates and sequences, see what contact data you have for certain people without having them cluttering up other apps.

3.Social Media Integration:

Integrating CRM and social media tools can be a powerful way to increase your company’s reach.

CRM integration with social media is a great way to stay up-to-date on what your customers are doing and create meaningful relationships.

CRM integrates data from the two platforms, which means that you can get an idea for who’s visiting certain parts of your website or even learn about their interactions through likes/shares to understand customer needs better.

This integrated data provides managers and sales reps with more information than ever before. It includes the number of visits, pages viewed, or items added to baskets for each customer, so it becomes easy to make better decisions faster.

With CRMs, integrate your social media profiles into an integrated dashboard where you can publish posts across all accounts at once.

This saves time and helps entrepreneurs and marketers manage their entire marketing campaign from one place – giving them key customer data right when they need it most.

4.Marketing Automation Integration:

Modern marketing success requires a seamless relationship between your customer data and software. CRM integration provides the key for effective communication, making it possible to seamlessly connect all aspects of company operations in one place-including email campaigns.

When you use this integration, your customer data will be organized and updated in one place. For example, a CRM system has an email marketing tool that can tell when someone unsubscribed from their emails, so they don’t get sent any more.

Integrating with other tools is a huge advantage of CRM systems. Some come built-in, and others require an additional app or integration, but either way, you’ll have more options for marketing automation.

5.Connector Integration:

Integrating your CRM with other applications can expand its functionality and make life easier. We love the idea of using Zapier, which automatically transfers information from one app to another over 1K third-party apps; Automate has an easy interface that allows you to set up workflows in seconds without coding.

Imagine a world where you can automate tedious tasks with ease. With Automate, CRM users can connect their systems for invoicing or project management to integrate these applications seamlessly into one another without any extra work on behalf of the user.


Source : convergehub.com

6.Team Communication Integration:

With the ability to communicate remotely and securely, your team will work more efficiently. Your employees can easily access information from any device without worrying about connectivity or security issues that could cause delays in getting their job done.

The integration and communication between different tools have never been easier with CRMs. Some companies are using them for internal emails triggered by data updates in your customer relationship management system (CRM).

Others allow you to assign tasks or goals related directly from the central dashboard of their own company’s website.

Integrated CRMs are the way of the future because they allow you to stay updated with everything on your business in just one place.

When used well, it’s like having a personal assistant whose job is making sure all important information gets delivered straight into their inbox so that no missed deadlines or forgetful moments occur.

7.e-Commerce Integration:

Integrating your online shopping cart platform with a CRM will give you access to important customer information.

This means that the products they buy, their contact details, and even orders can all be synced together in one place, so there’s no need for extra spreadsheets or databases on either side of things.

Integrating an online payment system with your CRM can help you automatically add new contacts who receive quotes and make it even easier for customers to pay invoices or purchase orders.

8.Live Chat Integration:

The live chat integration with your CRM will ensure that prospects who engage in conversation through this software on the website are recorded as leads.

Intercom is the perfect tool to use if you want your website visitors’ contact information and conversation history at hand.

Connect it with a CRM so that when someone chats online, they will be automatically added as leads for them to feel valued and make future purchases.

9.Event Integration:

Event ticket sales and attendance are two important CRM metrics for any company that facilitates events. If you use CRM with your event management software, it’s easy to see how many tickets have been sold through the different stages of an attendee’s journey so far- this will give insight into what needs improvement or success within each stage.

This integration will help you connect with your Eventbrite customers by providing data on who attends each of the events they’re going to and how best to market future ones.

Integrating your CRM with a system like GoToWebinar can be a time-saving activity that leads you to more successful webinar marketing.

This connection will allow for easy reminder sending, follow-up campaigns based on contact lists or groups of people who have registered together (based upon their interest), and comprehensive funnel reports, so we know exactly how our events are doing.

10.Web Form Integration:

The more efficient your business, the less time spent on tedious tasks like data entry and manual updates.

With a lead generation form connected to CRM software through an integration like WordPress or Unbounce, you can have all potential customers’ contact information at hand without having them enter it manually into any one platform—leaving more room for focus among those who need input from others about their needs.


CRM integration is important because it allows you to take your customer’s experiences with one of your marketing channels and tie them back into the rest of your company.

It helps give a more cohesive, personalized experience that can help strengthen customer loyalty over time. NPEC is always happy to share our knowledge of the industry.

If you have any questions about CRM integration, don’t hesitate to contact us today! We are more than happy to furnish information on how it works and what benefits your company can expect from this cutting-edge technology.


1.What is iMap Integration in a CRM?

CRM’s IMAP integration lets you see all your email interactions with your client’s CRM contacts right on their dashboard.

2.What is CRM Integration for lead generation?

CRM integration is a way of utilizing your customer database to generate more leads. You can use it in tandem with email marketing, social media advertising, or even content promotion campaigns by carefully designed templates that will help you convert potential customers into paying ones.

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